Sonic.exe does some things and other thing

I decided to do a few of the spinoffs listed on because why not.

Sonic.exe makes some sweet love with his fangirls

Sonic.exe decided he wanted to have sex with his fangirls wait, isn't that bestiality. but then he realized that they were killed in the great sonic.exe fan massacre of '93, even though sonic.exe was made in 2010. As a result, he just had sex with random girls ​underage, because sonic.exe is a pedophile.

Sonic.exe Accidentally Rapes Squidward's Suicide

Sonic.exe is a god, so he can travel between dimensions, hence why he was able to get out of his dimension and into ours for the last story. One day he travelled to the spogeboob universe, during the time of squidwards suicide because plot convenience. In an attempt to stop him from killing himself, sonic.exe got his dick stuck in squidwards ass and rape happened.Shut up, that totally makes sense.

Sonic.exe and Herobrine play chess, get competitive, and decide to put away their differences to kill Justin Beiber and Barrack Obama

Sonic.exe travelled to the minecraft dimension because, you know, there hasn't been enough dimensional jumping in this already. Anyway, he was there because he wanted to meet his bestie Herobrine. He finds him in the forest they arranged to meet up in and Herobrine suggests they play chess.
"What, but that's boring, what happened to killing innocent passerbys?" Sonic.exe asks.
"We do that all the time, let's do something different for once" Herobrine replies.
"Fine" Sonic.exe reluctantly agrees.
After 666 games of chess with them having 333 wins each they decided to have a tiebreaker. Herobrine won, much to his delight
"FUCK YEAH!!!" Herobrine exclaimed
"Fuckin' 1v1 me on club penguin, bro!" Sonic.exe shouted If this joke makes no sense to you, it's because it's based off an inside joke at my school.
"How about no," Herobrine replied, "We can settle our differences by eliminating 2 true evils in the world"
"Jeff and BEN" Sonic.exe said excitedly.
"What,no what do you have against them?" Herobrine asked.
"They stole my car :(" Sonic.exe replied
Herobrine then said :"T_T seriously, we need to kill Jusstin Bieber and Barack Obama"
"That works too" replied sonic.exe
They went to one of Justin Biebers concerts what do you mean he doesn't do the them anymore and one of barack Obama's speeches and sniped them both AND THEN EVERYONE DIED, THE END!
Written by:--)